Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oo Oo Oo You AIDS

AIDS has decimated much of Sub-Saharan Africa, and the communities around Lake Victoria are no exception. Ruth Achieng lives with 40 other children, all orphaned by AIDS, in Lalmba's Ongoro Children's Home. (1400 other orphans are supported through our RCAR program.)  Below, Ruth delivers a dramatic reading of a poem she wrote about losing her parents to this dreadful disease. 

Matoso, Kenya 2013


Better to start from nowhere and go to somewhere,
but we started from somewhere and go to nowhere.
Oo Oo Oo You AIDS

What does a child need in this world?
Health care, 
Shelter, and most of all....

Parental love,
 but you stole that from us!
You you AIDS.

One day, I cannot remember when,
a visitor came in our house and said that it was the time
He must separate us.
Oh Oh Oh You AIDS.

Our questions came flying
Who are you?
Where are you from?
Why do you separate us?
Where do we go?
What will we eat?
Who will stay in our wonderful house?

But we could not get the answer.
Oo Oo Oo You AIDS.

You You You AIDS


Why did you decide to take our parents to the grave
And ordered us to go back home
To start from Zero with our grandmums.
Oh Oh Oh You AIDS 
You must be ousted!

By: Ruth Achieng

Matoso, Kenya 2013

1 comment:

  1. The creative heart resides in everyone. Thanks for sharing!
